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Hei Suomi

Mitä kuuluu?

Minä olen Bruno Garcia.

Olen kaksikymmentä vuotta vanha.

I was studying at INETE, and they gave me the opportunity to go to Finland to take an internship in a company under the Erasmus + program, and I accepted it very well.

My course, and consequently my diploma is a management technician. And so I went to an office of a company of his name Forchem, having as supervisor of the internship Mr. Pedro Carvalho, who coincidentally was Portuguese.

I`m full of hopes as to the internship and as to the country.

Best Regards,
Bruno Garcia


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International Internships 2017 | INETE

Welcome, We are launching this blog to share the experiences and adventures of our International Internships. Twenty-one trainees are going to work and learn in five different countries expecting to get experience, skills and new knowledge. We’ll let you know how this adventure goes on. Each one of us is going to post! Wait for us! Here we are: