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What we eat in Berlin...

...it's rarely German food!
 The first thing we got outside a supermarket! One of the best thing I got there, shame I didn't tried it again...

LinguaTV invited us to got eat outside with them... at an Italian place! What a pleasant suprise!

Probably the healthiest food we ate, and it was homemade!

First time trying Mexicano... It was pretty good! Thank you LinguaTV for showing us another great place!

 Second round at the Mexicano...

Trying something new this time!

Even if it wasn't really hot, this icecream felt really good! Once again, LinguaTV showed us another great place.

Indian place with LinguaTV...

... saying good bye to one of our colleagues...

... we had a small something for the last good bye! Don't worry! It's just mango juice.

My time cooking! I think it came out pretty good... hopefully my roommates agree!

From a food vendor in the center of Berlin... not bad.




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International Internships 2017 | INETE

Welcome, We are launching this blog to share the experiences and adventures of our International Internships. Twenty-one trainees are going to work and learn in five different countries expecting to get experience, skills and new knowledge. We’ll let you know how this adventure goes on. Each one of us is going to post! Wait for us! Here we are: