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The Work

My role in the company was not to have a linear function, not least because Finland's organizational system does not allow it, and in any case, it would not be very educational. So my in charge of the stage Mr. Pedro Carvalho decided that it was more educational, to visit the departments one by one, and that on this return, the people of the respective departments taught us the general functioning of the department.

I visited the departments of Financial Management and Human Resources, Production and Quality, Accounting, Logistics and ultimately the Distribution Chain (which included Customer Service, product purchases)

Forchem Oyj (Factory)

Forchem Oyj (Factory)

Best Regards,
Bruno Garcia


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International Internships 2017 | INETE

Welcome, We are launching this blog to share the experiences and adventures of our International Internships. Twenty-one trainees are going to work and learn in five different countries expecting to get experience, skills and new knowledge. We’ll let you know how this adventure goes on. Each one of us is going to post! Wait for us! Here we are: